
Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Just Can't Bury It 

Now that this page is completely dead, I'm stirring thoughts for a new page.

Not sure I'll give the link or not. We'll see. I am vain, and love the attention, but I'm not sure the new page will be appropriate for the readers here I actually know.

Besides, I might really suck at writing fiction, and I'd rather embarrass myself in anonymity first.

Not that anyone I know still has this link.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

The Pig 

Actually, this is all part of an awful, awful reality TV show.

We are all part of it.

For Sweeps Week, Fox will interrupt "The Swan" and Carl Rove will step out and say, "America, you've helped Fox get into the Guinness World Book of Records! Yep! Largest, longest-running, and most-real reality TV show yet- the entire world actually believed that not only did George W. Bush sue his way into office in 2000, that he actually won the popular vote in 2004! Come-on, I can't believe how gullible you are! We were a little worried when we had to just preemptively call Bush the winner for Florida in 2000, I mean, this was little ol' Fox News. But as soon as the networks hitched on, we knew we could pull this off. At that moment we realized that we could just make shit up. In fact, this whole thing just got easier and easier from that point on.

"We let Al Gore in on the little prank about half an hour ago so that he could take the Presidency as rightful popular vote winner, but he fell over dead as we were explaining to him the genius of the whole hanging chad bit. Now as soon as John Kerry figures out how not to look like he just saw his dead grandmother with a Brazilian wax job, he will join us on the stage and take up the reigns of the United States. Good thing, too. We originally planed to let George play out his second term, but Guinness World book contacted us and said that not only had we made it into the book, that they were closing and sealing this category for good. I guess being the winner forever is better than being the biggest winner yet. Ah, great, here's Mr. Kerry now... "

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Concerts for Change 

Go here and go see some music.

Concerts for Change is fabulous. All ticket sales go directly to Run Against Bush, a PAC that donates money to the DNC, swing state Democratic committees, Democratic candidates, voter registration and get-out-the-vote organizations.

It's cheap, it's good music, good people, and actually making good progress. Over $200,000 has been raised directly for the Kerry Campaign.

You can even organize a concert yourself.

Or, you can organize your friends and get your ass to next Monday's concert at DC's Velvet Lounge. And be sure to buy lots of drinks, the bar doesn't take a cut from ticket sales so their only money from this is from bar sales.

Buy rounds.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Red Line 

Props to the DC Metro Blogmap.

Yes, you can say it. "It's so DC."

OK. Now shake it off.

It just doesn't seem right to be posting and not be in Pittsburgh.

None the less, here's to it:
Best post title: All My Favorite Singers Couldn't Sing
the dust congress

Awful, horrible, longest post: Fun With IM, Pt. 6
Orange Monkey Blog

Yes, please someone steal the DC pandas. At least take the ones in Dupont. Capitol Hill got the less-stupid ones.

OK, done. Want chocolate chip cookies.

Michael Moore = Smelling Salts  

I can't take credit for finding this, we can thank all my friends with jobs that put the internet at their desks.

However, I can take credit for this.

Note that I can't spell. I have the spelling capacity of a ten year old. A ten year old golden retriever.

Spell checker is so my friend that it'll have to be my bridesmaid when the day comes.

So of course, an above mentioned friend e-mails me the text of "Put Away Your Hankies...a Message from Michael Moore" and references the source website.

Instead of cutting and pasting (no, it was not a clickable link), I type in michealmoore.com.

And boy am I confused when I start clicking my way down the sidebar in search of the message portion of the site. Didn't realize Mr. Moore was such a promoter of anal sex, he didn't mention it much in Fahrenheit 9/11. Or in Bowling for Columbine, now that I think of it.

Finally I google the title of the post, realize I am an idiot, and all is right in the world.

Even better: Had I actually cut and pasted the website from the e-mail, I'd be pasting michalemoore.com.

Nothing over which I have direct naming rights will ever be name Michael.

This Is Not a Chocolate Chip Cookie 

Fortune cookies aren't desert.

They are a sad reminder that you in fact did _not_ order desert with your carryout.


(That is me, I just read the fortune.)

Fortune says: Romance comes into your life in a very unusual sort of way.

I say: hell yes!!!

Not sure if this is an fortune, a reminder, or an update. All sound good.

Since I got two cookies, here goes the other...

Fortune #2 says: You work best when meticulous attention to detail is called for.

That's crap. What an absolute poo fortune.

Fortunes should consist of the following topics: how great you are, how great your friends are, or how romance is staring you in the face. Not work.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Soaking the Beans  

Some people take up gardening to work with their hands and find renewal.

Apparently, I cook.

The results come must faster and you are not hungary afterwards.

Tonight it was soup. U.S. Senate Soup. It's been on the menu there since 1908, or something similarly impressive.

Soup. It's so comforting. Even the name, it invokes images of stoked fireplaces, fuzzy blankets, and warm comfy steam wafting up to warm the insides.

And it's not even cold here yet.

But fall is coming. Setting the beans up to soak this morning was maybe more symbolic than I had anticipated. I poured the water without hesitation, knowing tonight I would cook the soup. Knowing it would take a few hours to make, with enough down time to do a few loads of laundry. Knowing in the end that I would have delicious soup- enough for the week, even.

There is a gut wrenchingly sappy analogy here. Something about if only relationships were as easy as soup. You have to commit to making the soup, get the ingredients, choose a big enough pot, soak the beans, cut the onions (which makes you cry), and put it all together.



Simmer some more.

Adjust the lid.

And simmer more.





In the end you have really great soup. Enough to share.

I can't help but feel the soup making that ended last Tuesday was cut short. The beans didn't even get a chance to soak.

In the meantime, the soup that is put away in the fridge, in little air tight containers ready for lunch, is really damn good.

Really, really good.

(Thank you Max Richter for tonight's soundtrack. I was doing just fine, thank you, until I sat down to eat my soup. Your album is on it's third round. It's agonizingly appropriate.)

Monday, August 23, 2004

Good Things. 


1. The faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident.
2. The fact or occurrence of such discoveries.
3. An instance of making such a discovery.


I'm not particularly serendipitous, but fortunate discoveries happen by accident often enough that I try to keep my eyes out for them.

One happened on May 29th when a friend of a friend needed a ride to the free Shakespeare play.

I think the timing of my work trip (leaving tomorrow) is also serendipitous. I'll be too busy to think about anything but the work I'm doing, and it allows some solo time for someone else to think.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Me vs. Myself 

It wouldn't be a proper comeback without a proper profound post.

So, this probably isn't a proper comeback then.


I've been reading a lot lately. New found zeal? Maybe. It's more like playing catch-up. Or ketchup. I've felt be-Heinz in what's actually going on.

Politics aside, I thought of something relevant to a magazine I've been reading. And relevant in general.

The thought was within the context of things to pass on to yet unrealized children. No, I don't have the maternal bug yet, may not ever, but then again I might someday. Can't say. I was envisioning a friend of mine working with me on a project. I would jot things down as they come, and once a year we would tape me for half an hour. Or tape throughout the year, and edit down. Something. This is still half-cooked and probably will never happen, but this is what I was thinking as I was combing my hair out after my shower tonight.

I was thinking along the lines of living deliberately and living mindfully and, well, my life. And making decisions. And this was the thought, catchy and ready for video:

Big decisions change your life.
Little decisions is how you live.

Slogan-ish, but relevant.

Also: Let yourself love.

A lot.

There you go.
I'm back.

Back On Site 

I can't believe this site is still getting hits.

I haven't posted for over a month.

Die hards.

And someone teases me with an intriguing post. Would someonefrombefore please post again?

I know this page has sucked since I've returned to DC. Well, put it this way: I interact with people face to face again.

In Pittsburgh, |now candy| was the perfect way to interact with people in finite quantums of time. It satiated me until the weekend when I could get out and about.

Now, out and about is always available. So I'm out. And about.

I do realize, however, that this is a way for some folks to keep in touch, kind of. Sorry to fall off.

Consider this another attempt to pick the site back up.

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