Saturday, October 11, 2003
Cheney is a Butt Munch
*Come 'ere Georgie, let me much that for ya.*
Yesterday in Washington, Cheney argued "that a consensus-based foreign policy is obsolete." I think the administration has already made that quite clear.
OK. Saddam Hussein is an evil fuck. We have consensus on that, and have for a while. But the administration is on this "we are in the right" campaign and it's weirding me out. It's like the little kid in the classroom who's been kicking Sally's chair for half an hour (pissing her the hell off) and then standing there whining to the now pissed teacher, "I wasn't kicking her chair! Sally had a pair of scissors! She was planning on cutting my throat out!" The whole fucking class has scissors, it's craft time.
I don't know what the right answer is with Iraq. All I know is that about May 2002, when Afghanistan was floundering in the headlines and corporate America was vomiting on itself from scandal-inebriation, all of sudden Saddam was the perfect evil doer and US threat #1. Evil doer: yes. Actual imminent threat to us: debatable. Questionable, even.
The Washington Post article points out that, last month, Secretary of State Colin L. Powell stated "Above all, the president's strategy is a strategy of partnerships," and that "it strongly affirms the vital role of the partnerships that we have throughout the world -- our partnerships with NATO, our partnership with the United Nations and with so many other precious alliances that we have created over the last 50 years." Does Powell work for the same Bush as Cheney?
Enough from me, I'm going to bed. The entire Cheney transcript is here.
One more comment: I wish the Administration would have a little less talking and a lot more action towards rebuiling Iraq. We seemed to have missed the pre-war oportunity for post-war planning and we still haven't caught up.
Yesterday in Washington, Cheney argued "that a consensus-based foreign policy is obsolete." I think the administration has already made that quite clear.
OK. Saddam Hussein is an evil fuck. We have consensus on that, and have for a while. But the administration is on this "we are in the right" campaign and it's weirding me out. It's like the little kid in the classroom who's been kicking Sally's chair for half an hour (pissing her the hell off) and then standing there whining to the now pissed teacher, "I wasn't kicking her chair! Sally had a pair of scissors! She was planning on cutting my throat out!" The whole fucking class has scissors, it's craft time.
I don't know what the right answer is with Iraq. All I know is that about May 2002, when Afghanistan was floundering in the headlines and corporate America was vomiting on itself from scandal-inebriation, all of sudden Saddam was the perfect evil doer and US threat #1. Evil doer: yes. Actual imminent threat to us: debatable. Questionable, even.
The Washington Post article points out that, last month, Secretary of State Colin L. Powell stated "Above all, the president's strategy is a strategy of partnerships," and that "it strongly affirms the vital role of the partnerships that we have throughout the world -- our partnerships with NATO, our partnership with the United Nations and with so many other precious alliances that we have created over the last 50 years." Does Powell work for the same Bush as Cheney?
Enough from me, I'm going to bed. The entire Cheney transcript is here.
One more comment: I wish the Administration would have a little less talking and a lot more action towards rebuiling Iraq. We seemed to have missed the pre-war oportunity for post-war planning and we still haven't caught up.
Music Luxx
The weekend has begun.
And it is good.
I just got home and, oh, does it feel good. I don't have to get up at 6:00 am, I don't have to go to bed at any particular hour, I can get lost in time in the apartment.
Now, only if I didn't have neighbors on the other side of these paper-thin walls. I just want to turn the music up. I want a sound track that's loud tonight.
Speaking of soundtrack, tomorrow is official Nutso Music Purchase Day! I'm not so retentive that my buying sprees are planned, but I know for a fact I'm catching up with Truss Saturday and we're hitting the record store (unless or course plans have changed). Maybe a little Electic Six, Basement Jaxx, Jim White, The Shins, Rosie Thomas, Iron and Wine, Dub Narcotic Sound System, Ugly Casanova, The Dismemberment Plan (A People's History of The Dismemberment Plan), Prefuse 73, Beulah, Verve Remixed, NorTec Collective , Meat Beat Manifesto, The Darkness, ... and just about everything I can find from here.
No, I'm not about to drop $500 on cds. Maybe $100, though. $100. That was about a weekend's worth of going out in DC. Maybe. However, I haven't been in DC for about six weeks now and was a hermit for five of those, thus have not spent money on (a) live music, (b) alcohol, (c) 5:00 am diner food, (d) 1:00 pm brunch food, (e) alcohol, and (f) alcohol.
So, I might as well break the music-purchase dry spell with a bang. Besides, the collective *we* in DC swapped so many that I should put some flow back into the indie cash river. (However, we did see more live music shows than you can shake a red and white Tiger sneaker at, so we aren't evil cheapskates after all.)
Six weeks. Maybe I'll get off the computer now and unpack some more boxes. Or I'll just cut my hair, it's been at least eight weeks.
And it is good.
I just got home and, oh, does it feel good. I don't have to get up at 6:00 am, I don't have to go to bed at any particular hour, I can get lost in time in the apartment.
Now, only if I didn't have neighbors on the other side of these paper-thin walls. I just want to turn the music up. I want a sound track that's loud tonight.
Speaking of soundtrack, tomorrow is official Nutso Music Purchase Day! I'm not so retentive that my buying sprees are planned, but I know for a fact I'm catching up with Truss Saturday and we're hitting the record store (unless or course plans have changed). Maybe a little Electic Six, Basement Jaxx, Jim White, The Shins, Rosie Thomas, Iron and Wine, Dub Narcotic Sound System, Ugly Casanova, The Dismemberment Plan (A People's History of The Dismemberment Plan), Prefuse 73, Beulah, Verve Remixed, NorTec Collective , Meat Beat Manifesto, The Darkness, ... and just about everything I can find from here.
No, I'm not about to drop $500 on cds. Maybe $100, though. $100. That was about a weekend's worth of going out in DC. Maybe. However, I haven't been in DC for about six weeks now and was a hermit for five of those, thus have not spent money on (a) live music, (b) alcohol, (c) 5:00 am diner food, (d) 1:00 pm brunch food, (e) alcohol, and (f) alcohol.
So, I might as well break the music-purchase dry spell with a bang. Besides, the collective *we* in DC swapped so many that I should put some flow back into the indie cash river. (However, we did see more live music shows than you can shake a red and white Tiger sneaker at, so we aren't evil cheapskates after all.)
Six weeks. Maybe I'll get off the computer now and unpack some more boxes. Or I'll just cut my hair, it's been at least eight weeks.
Friday, October 10, 2003
Wal-Mart at Night (My Infatuation)
Wal-Mart at Night
Lit up super center on the mount
looking down onto the older you.
Looking down onto the mall.
The grocery store has her back to you
but you have your own groceries now.
Lit up parking lot with cars,
lively with spaces free.
Cars with carts against them,
cars with people in them,
cars waiting to be filled.
Some of the people in the cars
look empty looking at you.
Lit up isles with goods and conversation.
It's after 10:00 and the stockers
are ready to refill your shelves.
The pallets are so full and
so many, I have to walk up
to cross with the cart.
Lit up people with energy
shop in you after 10:00.
The two ladies on their way
home from security duty
are loud and having a good time.
I come out of the isle to
fast and they mock an accident.
We all laugh, it's right.
Lit up cell phones get reception
in your isles and calls on your floor.
The fat man in front of me,
between the yogurt and me,
is defending his decision. "Everyone
wants these big tvs, I don't understand.
I'm moving to a 13 inch. Yes, I've
seen a 13" tv. I don't care,
my other one is just too big,
it's got to go."
Lit up card scanner reads my card,
you efficiently take my money.
"Don't you start yawning" the cashier
pokes. It's almost 11:00
tonight and she smiles her
auto smile. We joke about
Friday. You joke about everyday.
Lit up super center on the mount
looking down onto the older you.
Looking down onto the mall.
The grocery store has her back to you
but you have your own groceries now.
Lit up parking lot with cars,
lively with spaces free.
Cars with carts against them,
cars with people in them,
cars waiting to be filled.
Some of the people in the cars
look empty looking at you.
Lit up isles with goods and conversation.
It's after 10:00 and the stockers
are ready to refill your shelves.
The pallets are so full and
so many, I have to walk up
to cross with the cart.
Lit up people with energy
shop in you after 10:00.
The two ladies on their way
home from security duty
are loud and having a good time.
I come out of the isle to
fast and they mock an accident.
We all laugh, it's right.
Lit up cell phones get reception
in your isles and calls on your floor.
The fat man in front of me,
between the yogurt and me,
is defending his decision. "Everyone
wants these big tvs, I don't understand.
I'm moving to a 13 inch. Yes, I've
seen a 13" tv. I don't care,
my other one is just too big,
it's got to go."
Lit up card scanner reads my card,
you efficiently take my money.
"Don't you start yawning" the cashier
pokes. It's almost 11:00
tonight and she smiles her
auto smile. We joke about
Friday. You joke about everyday.
Thursday, October 09, 2003
I found myself back to here again tonight. Also, note the links along the side, good stuff.
Since I keep going off on fits from current political chaos, I've added a new section yonder in the sidebar. I'm looking for more...
For those brought here by a search engine in search of Karl Rove or Valerie Plame Wilson, this is the post that brought you here.
Unfortunately, for those brought here by a search engine in search of The History of Fingernail Clippers, there isn't much to report.
Since I keep going off on fits from current political chaos, I've added a new section yonder in the sidebar. I'm looking for more...
For those brought here by a search engine in search of Karl Rove or Valerie Plame Wilson, this is the post that brought you here.
Unfortunately, for those brought here by a search engine in search of The History of Fingernail Clippers, there isn't much to report.
Wednesday, October 08, 2003
Breaking News in the Empire
Finally, news worth coming home to: US Hands Power Over to Galactic Empire in Iraq.
-Thanks to the ever-webcrawling and insightful man steak.
-Thanks to the ever-webcrawling and insightful man steak.
And Now for Something Completely Different, Sort Of
OK. Nothing like a few hours of sleep to get your vocabulary back. I was pretty handicapped last night.
Alright, what's funny out on the web today? What are you laughing at? ("California" isn't a fair answer.) Please post links to the commenter of what you are distracting yourself with on the web today. It'll be late before I get home tonight and, well, vomiting vulgarity all over a post *two* nights in a row isn't really called for. We need some lighter reading.
What's acceptable? Just about anything. If you are from a country other than the US, even better (Italy?). Even if it's not in English. Just be sure to paste a link in the commenter below.
Alright, what's funny out on the web today? What are you laughing at? ("California" isn't a fair answer.) Please post links to the commenter of what you are distracting yourself with on the web today. It'll be late before I get home tonight and, well, vomiting vulgarity all over a post *two* nights in a row isn't really called for. We need some lighter reading.
What's acceptable? Just about anything. If you are from a country other than the US, even better (Italy?). Even if it's not in English. Just be sure to paste a link in the commenter below.
Alternative View
From the the Blogger blogs of note... If the vulger post down below offended you, maybe you'd like it better here.
(Yes, I indeed clicked on the above because of the strikingly similar name to the page you are currently on.)
(Yes, I indeed clicked on the above because of the strikingly similar name to the page you are currently on.)
See? We're Monkeys
On a lighter note...
Warning: "Fuck" Follows.
Please, oh, please, let the Florida 2000 election debacle somehow save the day here. It's the only "legal" and ludicrous enough thing that can counteract this fucking demise of democracy. ("Democracy? But they voted." Yep, they voted for an action figure, believing every fucking thing the Refuckingpublican power hungry juggernaught wanted them to.) Please please please let there be voter fraud – real, make believe, or completely made up. This recall election is a terrifying precedent. All I can think of right now is KARL FUCKING ROVE. He's behind this. Just wait. (Unfortunately, the Democrats don't have the anti-Karl ready yet.)
Quote of the day: ""I think Arnold's the man, because he's an immigrant. My dad was an immigrant too, and came from Mexico. It's always been hard work, get-you-where-you-want-to-go, and I think Arnold understands that," said Gustavo Perez, 32, a Republican from San Diego waiting for Schwarzenegger to appear. "
-My fucking ass.
Please, oh, please, let the Florida 2000 election debacle somehow save the day here. It's the only "legal" and ludicrous enough thing that can counteract this fucking demise of democracy. ("Democracy? But they voted." Yep, they voted for an action figure, believing every fucking thing the Refuckingpublican power hungry juggernaught wanted them to.) Please please please let there be voter fraud – real, make believe, or completely made up. This recall election is a terrifying precedent. All I can think of right now is KARL FUCKING ROVE. He's behind this. Just wait. (Unfortunately, the Democrats don't have the anti-Karl ready yet.)
Quote of the day: ""I think Arnold's the man, because he's an immigrant. My dad was an immigrant too, and came from Mexico. It's always been hard work, get-you-where-you-want-to-go, and I think Arnold understands that," said Gustavo Perez, 32, a Republican from San Diego waiting for Schwarzenegger to appear. "
-My fucking ass.
Tuesday, October 07, 2003
I Lieu of My Own
It's too late to really post anything of wit. So, go checkout these other posts:
Extremely useful for fans of South Park.
Go here if for no other reason the title "Damn Hell Ass Kings" makes you want to go there.
Extremely useful for fans of South Park.
Go here if for no other reason the title "Damn Hell Ass Kings" makes you want to go there.
When it's Cold
A half mile drive is too short
when it's cold.
__Too short to see through the windshield
__that has frosted over from dew.
____Too short to warm the heater
____when the engine has sat for hours.
______Too short for your hands
______to thaw from the frozen wheel.
A half mile drive is too short
when it's cold and 2:00 am.
when it's cold.
__Too short to see through the windshield
__that has frosted over from dew.
____Too short to warm the heater
____when the engine has sat for hours.
______Too short for your hands
______to thaw from the frozen wheel.
A half mile drive is too short
when it's cold and 2:00 am.
Monday, October 06, 2003
Dairy Delight
Oh-my-toast! Crowley Cheese makes a wicked smoked cheddar. (Technically may be a colby.) Crowley Cheese is the oldest cheese maker in the US and, yes, it's in Vermont.
This cheese melts on potato bread toast like fireside lovers on bearskin. I mean–it is perfect. And, for fall, heat up a little cider and ...
This cheese melts on potato bread toast like fireside lovers on bearskin. I mean–it is perfect. And, for fall, heat up a little cider and ...
More Bush Dirt
More Bush Dirt
The Cloke of Deseption gets another loose thread at ratboy's anvil.
(My head is exploding. This isn't helping... I'm going back to bed.)
The Cloke of Deseption gets another loose thread at ratboy's anvil.
(My head is exploding. This isn't helping... I'm going back to bed.)
Photo Whore
Exciting new pics from this weekend are at |now candy| photos.
If the new page (PGH #4::Glass Center +) gives you trouble, please let me know. This is the largest pic page thus far, so please allow time to load.
[6 Oct Update: If the picture page comes up without all the pics there, the _slideshow_ (upper right corner) should still work.]
If the new page (PGH #4::Glass Center +) gives you trouble, please let me know. This is the largest pic page thus far, so please allow time to load.
[6 Oct Update: If the picture page comes up without all the pics there, the _slideshow_ (upper right corner) should still work.]
Sunday, October 05, 2003
Random Luck, Hot Kilns, & Beer
I met up with an absolute treasure of a Pittsburgher last night. In accordance with the Socialite Protection Program, he'll be referred to as Truss. Why Truss? I have no idea, but somehow that seems like a possible 1880s name. Structurally sound but slightly behind the scenes. Truss Whikam, Truss Monikker, Truss White, Truss Brigmann, Truss Fryer, Truss Ruttengen, &etc.
So. Truss. Fantastic night last night. Met up at a bar for a so-that's-what-you-look-like-in-person beer, then headed over to the Pittsburgh Glass Center for the nutso Meltdown 3 benifit. Mad live glassblowing action mixed with the who's-who of PGH. Soma Mestizo performed and not only sounded supperluxisexxy, they were lucius photo subjects They'll be up on the photo page later tonight. The Glass Center turned into a nice little house party with Soma Mestizo continuing to get the "ten more minutes" extension from the folks in charge. The dance-fest continued with the band side-stepping the cutoff time by playing an old soul mix on the sound system. They all danced out in the crowd while the one token band member was left on stage to fake the front of packing up.
The Glass Center kicked everyone out by 12:30something and we ended up at Mardi Gras, a beautiful and comfy neighborhood bar. The neighborhood happens to be stocked with high-test intellectuals and professional connoisseurs of life.
We closed that down, to. I'm just elated. It's going to be a full and exciting winter.
I met up with an absolute treasure of a Pittsburgher last night. In accordance with the Socialite Protection Program, he'll be referred to as Truss. Why Truss? I have no idea, but somehow that seems like a possible 1880s name. Structurally sound but slightly behind the scenes. Truss Whikam, Truss Monikker, Truss White, Truss Brigmann, Truss Fryer, Truss Ruttengen, &etc.
So. Truss. Fantastic night last night. Met up at a bar for a so-that's-what-you-look-like-in-person beer, then headed over to the Pittsburgh Glass Center for the nutso Meltdown 3 benifit. Mad live glassblowing action mixed with the who's-who of PGH. Soma Mestizo performed and not only sounded supperluxisexxy, they were lucius photo subjects They'll be up on the photo page later tonight. The Glass Center turned into a nice little house party with Soma Mestizo continuing to get the "ten more minutes" extension from the folks in charge. The dance-fest continued with the band side-stepping the cutoff time by playing an old soul mix on the sound system. They all danced out in the crowd while the one token band member was left on stage to fake the front of packing up.
The Glass Center kicked everyone out by 12:30something and we ended up at Mardi Gras, a beautiful and comfy neighborhood bar. The neighborhood happens to be stocked with high-test intellectuals and professional connoisseurs of life.
We closed that down, to. I'm just elated. It's going to be a full and exciting winter.
Socialite Deluxxe Back On the Beat
I had a coming out last night. Coming out of the APARTMENT.
The reclusive spell has broken. And let me say it is *good* to be out on the scene again. Refreshed, revived, refueled, recharged, on, & shit hot.
Enter: The Socialite Deluxxe Guide to Better Living*
List 8.b.: Tips for Relocating to a New City
1. Do not compare the new city to the one you just left.
-Of course the first club you go to sucks, how long did it take you to find the lush all-night favorites in the last town?
Equipment needed: Complaint gag.
2. Meet the right people.
-If you are lucky, they sit down next to you at the bar you went to by yourself. If there are too many bars to choose from is, and if you are lucky, the host of the baddest-ass website will return your e-mail and you'll meet up in a bar days later.
Equipment needed: Proper ID.
3. Be a photographer.
-You can't fake this one, but you can be a *novice*. This is especially good for meeting the subjects of your pictures.
Equipment needed: Camera.
Caution: If you've ever been mistaken for a greasy stalker-type, this may not work well for you. If you are a greasy stalker-type, give it up and start your own damn life.
4. Don't fake being a local.
-Locals smell fake-locals like fetid goat urine. Embrace the local habits you assimilate, but don't make shit up. The people you'll meet as a poser are other posers.
Equipment needed: Moderate to high self esteem.
5. Buy a street atlas. Never take if out of your car.
-How can you meet your potential socialite friends if you are *effing lost*?
Equipment: Sense of direction.
Optional: Car compass.
*(A publication of High Self Esteem Anonymous. "High Self Esteem Anonymous: Because everyone already knows you love yourself.")
The reclusive spell has broken. And let me say it is *good* to be out on the scene again. Refreshed, revived, refueled, recharged, on, & shit hot.
Enter: The Socialite Deluxxe Guide to Better Living*
List 8.b.: Tips for Relocating to a New City
1. Do not compare the new city to the one you just left.
-Of course the first club you go to sucks, how long did it take you to find the lush all-night favorites in the last town?
Equipment needed: Complaint gag.
2. Meet the right people.
-If you are lucky, they sit down next to you at the bar you went to by yourself. If there are too many bars to choose from is, and if you are lucky, the host of the baddest-ass website will return your e-mail and you'll meet up in a bar days later.
Equipment needed: Proper ID.
3. Be a photographer.
-You can't fake this one, but you can be a *novice*. This is especially good for meeting the subjects of your pictures.
Equipment needed: Camera.
Caution: If you've ever been mistaken for a greasy stalker-type, this may not work well for you. If you are a greasy stalker-type, give it up and start your own damn life.
4. Don't fake being a local.
-Locals smell fake-locals like fetid goat urine. Embrace the local habits you assimilate, but don't make shit up. The people you'll meet as a poser are other posers.
Equipment needed: Moderate to high self esteem.
5. Buy a street atlas. Never take if out of your car.
-How can you meet your potential socialite friends if you are *effing lost*?
Equipment: Sense of direction.
Optional: Car compass.
*(A publication of High Self Esteem Anonymous. "High Self Esteem Anonymous: Because everyone already knows you love yourself.")